S5E17: Back To School Right-Wing Extremism Edition
Eve and Kieryn chat about the right-wing extremist pivot to taking down all public education institutions. We’ve talked in prior episodes about radical right-wing groups taking over K-12 education, and today we explain dog whistles of “clasical liberal” education and how even well-meaning leftists are furthering the agenda to dismantle public universities and libraries. **Notes**
S4E14: Grove City College & (not) CRT with Cedric Lewis
Kieryn and Eve chat with Prof. Cedric Lewis about Grove City College’s Critical Race Theory “investigation”. Listen to find out what’s actually happening on campus and what you can do to support the students, staff, and faculty who are being impacted. Show Notes:Overheard post and chapel sermon https://www.facebook.com/groups/OverheardAtGCC/posts/10159923202569168/ Thread from Jennifer Trujillo Hollenberger Trustees report …
S3 E1: In Case of End Times, Bring Shofar w/ Molly Conger
Kieryn and Eve decompress about the first coup attempt with everyone’s favorite socialist dog mom (@socialistdogmom), Molly Conger! Find out what it was like to be in DC during the attack, discuss some of the religious imagery and hypothesize about why there were so many Shofars around. Notes: https://sojo.net/articles/they-invaded-capitol-saying-jesus-my-savior-trump-my-president https://religionunplugged.com/news/2021/1/6/some-history-behind-the-christian-flags-at-the-pro-trump-capitol-coup
S2 E28: Interview with Jaelani Turner-Williams
For Bitch Magazine’s Fall 2020 Power Issue, Jaelani Turner-Williams wrote about how crisis homeschooling this fall might benefit Black and brown students in unexpected ways. Kieryn and Eve discuss with Jaelani her vision of a better future where education is equitable and centered on the individual needs of students. Show Notes: Jaelani’s twitter: @hernameisjae Bitch…
S2 E23: Fertility Maximalists
Kieryn and Eve catch up on all the non-plague related happenings. Tune in to hear about the rediscovery of Quiverfull in retaliation to the SCOTUS’ ruling on discrimination protections for queer employees, venting about healthcare, and catching up with Jerry Falwell. Because Juneteenth is 30 minutes from now Pacific Time we’re releasing this episode to everyone…
S2 E19: Elsie Dinsmore
Eve and Kieryn discuss Martha Finley’s Elsie Dinsmore books and why christians aren’t appalled at Roy Moore and other right wing leaders’ abusive histories. CN: For discussion of racist ideology in the books. NOTES: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/lovejoyfeminism/2017/11/child-marriage-in-elsie-dinsmore-part-1.html https://www.patheos.com/blogs/lovejoyfeminism/2017/11/child-marriage-in-elsie-dinsmore-part-2.html https://slate.com/human-interest/2017/11/fundamentalist-home-schoolers-are-one-group-of-roy-moore-allies-who-think-grown-men-courting-teen-girls-is-natural.html https://www.patheos.com/blogs/lovejoyfeminism/2017/11/child-brides-teenage-sluts-and-roy-moore.html https://rethinkingvisionforum.wordpress.com/2011/09/03/vision-forum-elsie-dinsmore-culture-heartache/ https://web.archive.org/web/20070927090813/http://www.literaturecollection.com/a/o_henry/231/ https://classicsandcraziness.wordpress.com/2019/04/27/follow-up-to-that-post-about-elsie-dinsmore-feat-racism-soooo-much-racism/