S4E9: Monologues of an Abusive Husband AKA Redeeming Love
The new movie adaption of “Redeeming Love” by Francine Rivers is now in theaters, much to our chagrin. Eve and Kieryn discuss the story of Hosea, the “redemption” story of “Redeeming Love,” and why this novel is a textbook abusive relationship story. Also: Kieryn is moving to Berlin and Eve is adjusting to a new…
S4E7: Farminary and RHE with Jeff Chu
Kieryn and Eve chat with Jeff Chu about finishing the book Wholehearted Faith that he & the late Rachel Held Evans co-authored. Listen to discuss what it’s like to write through grief, learn about farmer’s markets in Michigan, and wtf a Farminary is. Follow Jeff: byjeffchu.com/twitter.com/jeffchuhttps://www.instagram.com/byjeffchu/https://jeffchu.substack.com
S4E5: God Told Me to be a Dick with Steph Drury
Kieryn and Eve chat with Stephanie Drury about Christianity Today’s podcast about Mars Hill and the importance of giving people room to grow. Notes:Twitter: twitter.com/StuffCCLikesInstagram: www.instagram.com/stuffchristianculturelikes/
S4E4: Don’t Hit Your Kids! with Tal Lavin
This month, Tal Lavin’s (author of Culture Warlords: my journey into the dark web of white supremacy) new Substack is allowing Tal to do a three-part series on the ouvre of fundamentalist parenting books which advocate for hitting kids. Tal joins KTC for a discussion of what that research experience was like, why it’s so…
S3 E14: Interview with Sheila Wray Gregoire
Kieryn and Eve chat with the author of The Great Sex Rescue, Sheila Wray Gregoire to discuss leaving behind the toxicity of purity culture while still practicing Christianity, and why she’s in a fight with Focus on the Family. Show Notes:sheilawraygregoire.com/Bare Marriage Podcasthttps://tolovehonorandvacuum.comhttp://fuckingtranswomen.org/