S4E13: Have You Heard The One About Schlafly
Turns out, Lifespring was not the only cult Ginni Thomas has been a part of. Ginni’s mom was an active part of Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, and never left that cult. Instead, she grew up to enact its agenda with Clarence’s support as an “Equally Yoked” partner. WTF does that all mean? find out. Notes:…
S2 E7: The Conspiracy is Real Part 4; Activist Judges
Kieryn and Eve dissect, translate, and refute the arguments presented at the SCOTUS hearing on Oct 8th. TW for discussion of anti-trans anti-queer rhetoric. The Best Resume: https://donotlink.it/VKAGN how to help: https://mxdarkwater.com/2019/10/10/the-feelings-part-2/ NOTES: https://www.mediamatters.org/washington-post/family-research-council-terrible-and-its-president-tony-perkins-just-got-appointed https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/family-research-council http://blog.adflegal.org/detailspages/blog-details/allianceedge/2019/10/02/why-you-should-care-about-the-outcome-of-the-harris-funeral-homes-supreme-court-case https://downloads.frc.org/EF/EF18L25.pdf https://www.mediamatters.org/family-research-council/tony-perkins-boasts-he-brought-adf-case-straight-white-house https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bona_fide_occupational_qualification https://www.oyez.org/cases/2019/17-1618 Have a question? ask it here!For early access to future episodes and the complete archive, become a patron!Follow…
S2 E6: The Unborns
How is miscarriage handled in the extremely pro-life communities Kieryn and Eve grew up in? What’s the theological basis for those scary heartbeat bills? TW: Graphic descriptions of stillbirth/bodies/blood. Show Notes: https://aboverubies.org/index.php/2013-11-12-17-55-51/english-language/miscarriage/965-miscarriage-miscarriage-or-abortion https://aboverubies.org/index.php/2013-11-12-17-55-51/english-language/miscarriage/1043-miscarriage-a-privilege https://aboverubies.org/index.php/2013-11-12-17-55-51/english-language/miscarriage/1045-miscarriage-he-held-my-hand Have a question? ask it here!For early access to future episodes and the complete archive, become a patron!Follow us on The Internet:@BluePupBoi, @eve_ettinger, @kitchencultpodor…
Episode 28: Biblical Genderhood
Kieryn and Eve are joined by a friend to talk about their experiences of gender growing up in the church and how that impacted their sense of self upon leaving fundamentalism. Have a question? ask it here!For early access to this podcast and other exclusive content, become a patron!Follow us on The Internet:@BluePupBoi (mastodon), @eve_ettinger, @kitchencultpodor check out our swag! Thanks…