Tim Echols, the GA Public Service Commissioner put his name in the hat for the US Senate Appointment. Kieryn and Eve explain who he is, what he believes, and where this fits in the puzzle.
Kieryn’s Rant Time
Okay, wow, so first of all: APPARENTLY TEENPACT IS COMING TO CALIFORNIA. I have warned my friends in the CA Senate so when the capitol is suddenly flooded with homeschoolers in ill-fitting suits asking questions about abortion….they’ll know why.
Whew. I’ve actually done a bit of writing on TeenPact…when it was slightly more fresh in my mind, and launched the Ex-TeenPact Blog Week with other TeenPact alumni to raise awareness in 2013. We have the student project receipts: https://betweenbw.wordpress.com/category/teenpact/
I remember hearing a story but cannot find documentation about there being controversy over allowing girls into TeenPact instead of it being men-only (because god says only men can lead). For some people, TeenPact was too liberal because {gasp} girls were allowed! Not to worry though, we were firmly told our place was to be behind men at any chance it was appropriate.
My election and re-election during Back to DC was unprecedented. But that is neither here nor there.
And if you don’t know who Ralph Reed is and want to be horrified: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Reed
TeenPact is sometimes complicated for me because on one hand, it did hone some skills that I still use today, and it did teach me how to navigate state government and these are useful things that every student should be able to learn. It was also my out, TeenPact was where I was when I wasn’t isolated at home, and it was only one week every couple months, but I was there as much as I could be. It was my only opportunity to socialize with other people my age without my parents interfering.
On the other hand, what they taught us about ourselves, god, gender, and our place in the world…was oppressive and created so much shame. The boys I was talking about? They were like piggybacking and hugging, not making out; they were wearing skinny jeans because it was 2007, they (obviously) weren’t doing anything wrong.
That said, the first wave of ex-homeschool friends who came out? We were all from TeenPact.
Show Notes:

Dress code: https://teenpact.com/dress-code/
Full 2007 Speech and Transcript.
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