S2 E16: Spiritual Warfare Part 1
Kieryn and Eve talk about Florida’s HB 1059, Richmond’s Gun Lobby Day, and Paula White’s…prayer? What does it mean? Find out! Notes: Kieryn’s Patreon: https://patreon.com/kiery Eve at Vice: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/epgzbj/gun-rights-rally-richmond-virginia-hostage CHRE Press Release on Florida Legislation: Paula White: Financial investigation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Senate_inquiry_into_the_tax-exempt_status_of_religious_organizations Excellent Twitter explainer: Video: Have a question? ask it here!For early access to future episodes and…
S2 E4: Guns for God
Eve and Kieryn are joined by Katie Botkin to talk about the religious right’s obsession with guns. Why is it so important? why is violence so justified? Where does this all come from? find out! Support Kieryn’s transition to being not-a-student: https://patreon.com/kiery/ or https://cash.me/$kieryn Show Notes: https://www.str.org/publications/the-canaanites-genocide-or-judgment#.XXHMC5NKhbUhttps://time.com/5169210/us-gun-control-laws-history-timeline/http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/10/23/AR2010102302996.htmlhttps://loadoutroom.com/28220/an-interview-with-the-man-behind-t-rex-arms-lucas-botkin/ Have a question? ask it here!For early access to…