S5E2: God Forbid
Kieryn and Eve watched the God Forbid documentary and Have Thoughts(tm) after talking about what it feels like to watch twitter become…what it has.
S4 E11: Matt Shea Part 3
Just when we thought were done with Matt Shea he goes off to Ukraine to “””””rescue””””” some “orphans”. We have words about it. Show notes: Opening Song – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xX3IfQEH_ https://www.rangemedia.co/matt-shea-poland-ukraine-lublin-orphan/ https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/former-wa-rep-matt-shea-accused-of-domestic-terrorism-working-to-secure-adoptions-for-ukrainian-children-in-poland/ https://againstthetide.tv/2022/03/04/62-ukrainian-orphans-evacuated-and-saved-in-successful-amEerican-ukrainian-polish-action/ https://www.stitcher.com/show/behind-the-bastards/episode/part-one-how-the-john-birch-society-invented-the-modern-far-right-80165219 https://www.printfriendly.com/p/g/RXvbgW Also your periodic reminder that we have some fun stuff in our TeePublic shop.
S4E9: Monologues of an Abusive Husband AKA Redeeming Love
The new movie adaption of “Redeeming Love” by Francine Rivers is now in theaters, much to our chagrin. Eve and Kieryn discuss the story of Hosea, the “redemption” story of “Redeeming Love,” and why this novel is a textbook abusive relationship story. Also: Kieryn is moving to Berlin and Eve is adjusting to a new…
S4E5: God Told Me to be a Dick with Steph Drury
Kieryn and Eve chat with Stephanie Drury about Christianity Today’s podcast about Mars Hill and the importance of giving people room to grow. Notes:Twitter: twitter.com/StuffCCLikesInstagram: www.instagram.com/stuffchristianculturelikes/
S3 E14: Interview with Sheila Wray Gregoire
Kieryn and Eve chat with the author of The Great Sex Rescue, Sheila Wray Gregoire to discuss leaving behind the toxicity of purity culture while still practicing Christianity, and why she’s in a fight with Focus on the Family. Show Notes:sheilawraygregoire.com/Bare Marriage Podcasthttps://tolovehonorandvacuum.comhttp://fuckingtranswomen.org/
S3 E9: Jesus and John Wayne with Kristen Du Mez
Eve and Kieryn are joined by Kristin Du Mez to talk about her book, Jesus and John Wayne and the history of how radical right wing evangelicals came to power. SHOW NOTES Follow Krsitin: https://twitter.com/kkdumez Get the Book: https://bookshop.org/books/jesus-and-john-wayne-how-white-evangelicals-corrupted-a-faith-and-fractured-a-nation-9781631499050/9781631495731