S5E20: Mike Johnson Overview
Kieryn and Eve try to overview everything we know so far about Mike Johnson, explain the general concept of Covenant Marriage, and discuss his wife’s humurous counseling practice. Instead of posting 4 pages of notes, here’s one link:https://tinyurl.com/mikejohnsonktc And here’s our Arno Profile video:
S5E19: Counting the Cost
Kieryn and Eve talk about Jill Duggar Dillard’s book, Counting The Cost. How and why it felt different from Jinger’s Becoming Free Indeed, and how difficult it is to escape high control environments when the stakes are so high. Also, for more info on Christian Zionism: Get the book: https://bookshop.org/p/books/counting-the-cost-jill-duggar/20124574
S5E18: The Woman They Wanted with Shannon Harris
Welcome to book club, where Shannon Harris (aka Shannon Bonne) joins Kieryn and Eve to talk about the writing process for her debut memoir, The Woman They Wanted. Shannon talks about embodiment, freedom, and following the joy after spiritual abuse. Links: Shannon’s website Shannon’s Instagram Shannon’s music on Spotify
S5E17: Back To School Right-Wing Extremism Edition
Eve and Kieryn chat about the right-wing extremist pivot to taking down all public education institutions. We’ve talked in prior episodes about radical right-wing groups taking over K-12 education, and today we explain dog whistles of “clasical liberal” education and how even well-meaning leftists are furthering the agenda to dismantle public universities and libraries. **Notes**
S5E16: Disobedient Women with Sarah Stankorb
Kieryn and Eve sit down with Sarah Stankorb to talk about her book, Disobedient Women. Covering the origins of the #ChurchToo movement and how to approach telling stories involving religious trauma in a way that is healing.
S5E15: Fringe of the Fringe with Aaron & Christina Beall
Eve and Kieryn are joined by Aaron and Christina Beall to talk about their experience leaving the christian fundamentalist homeschooling movement and shining a public light on abuse. Read the WaPo article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/interactive/2023/christian-home-schoolers-revolt/ Follow Aaron & Christina: https://www.instagram.com/apostate_aaron/ https://www.instagram.com/christinabeally/